It is all over. Winston and Julia's time was finally there. The day that they had both known is coming has finally arrived but who knew that it would happen so soon! Julia and Winston dutifully repeat "We are the dead", and to their shock and dismay, an iron voice calls back "You are the dead." Could this be the end of their love affair, and the chances of taking part in the Brotherhood along side with O'Brien whom Winston keenly admires? Thoughts of what is to come next are running through Winston's brain as he tries to wrap his head around what is happening.
Winston and Julia are told to stand back to back, with out any contact. As men in black striking outfits storm their room above Mr. Charrington's antique shop, Julia and Winston's fear and adrenaline rises. Winston hears a crash and he sees that someone has thrown his glass paperweight and smashed it. Symbolically, this represents his idea of the 'Golden Country' away from the prying eyes of the Party and Big Brother and as it is demolished, so are his thoughts and dreams of one day living in a place like that.
Winston suddenly thinks of Mr. Charrington and becomes worried at first of what these men may have done to him. Then he recalls the voice he heard come out of the telescreen and realizes that it had sounded familiar. That voice belonged to Mr. Charrington. Mr. Charrington walks up into the room, and right away Winston notices that he has a different air to him. His cockney accent had disappeared, and his hair which had before been white had been turned black, and he was no longer wearing his spectacles. Winston was staring for the first time at a cold face of a member of the Thought Police.
Part II ends with a bang, and with a string of many questions that I was dying to get answers too. What is going to happen to Winston! Will he and Julia ever meet again? Is O'Brien and the Brotherhood going to help Winston out in this time of great need? Or is his life over, and he is left to be nothing more then an 'unperson' vanished into thin air, terminated from existence.
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1 comment:
+ Strong introduction, good attention getter
+ A lot of support provided to back up your information
- More of a summary
- Include more of your own personal thoughts
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