Having to meet in secrecy, and behind closed doors all the time can obviously add a lot of intrigue in a relationship. Winston and Julia are doing just that, and conceitedly as their feelings for each other are getting stronger, it is getting much more dangerous, and quite simply they are now basically the walking dead. Will Winston and Julia ever get to have a place on their own, free from scrutiny and and the prying eyes of the Party? For now they are stuck sneaking around from hiding place to hiding place.
After a few weeks of sneaking around, the thought arises in Winston's mind that he could rent out the room on top of Mr.Charrington's antique shop! Although this is quiet obviously an act that can result in his termination, Winston is blinded by his growing affection for Julia and his desire to have a place of which he can call his own is appeasing to him. He would like to take Julia to a place of their own, where they can make love inside, rather then outside and in hiding.
Upon introducing Julia to the new room, she brings forth coffee, jam, and real sugar, all of which she had stolen from the Inner Party members, as they are the only ones who have a hold of these long forgotten goods. Further more, Julia intrigues Winston's senses tenfold by applying make-up and perfume before they passionately made love.
Ultimately, Winston and Julia have found a place where they can reside and carry out what they want without telescreens watching them, or so they think. For now they are okay, but eventually, being that they live in the city where nothing is fully private, they are going to be faced with opposition. Can their growing affection for each other continue to rise, or will they get pulled apart and be made into 'unpersons' without even the chance of saying good bye?!
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