Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Part III: The Windowless Room

Winston becomes conscious in an overly bright, windowless room, with high ceilings and a bench that is wrapped around the perimeter of the room. He is in a filthy cell surrounded by ten to fifteen people at all times, although his rumbling stomach kept his mind preoccupied from noticing and taking in his surroundings. He has know idea how long he has been gone for, and he has the impression that he is located somewhere in the Ministry of Love, although his exact location is not known. One by one prisoners are taken out of the room, and Winston remains behind. It is apparent that they have something special planned for him. Winston suddenly remembers what O'Brien had mentioned about if and when he gets caught someone will bring him a razor. Was this true? Would the Brotherhood of whom he has only been a member of for a short period of time come to him with help in this time of need?

Days, hours, minutes go by, the exact time Winston is not sure of. He notices that the petty criminals and the political prisoners are in a way separated. The petty criminals do not seem as afraid as the political ones who sit silently, in their own world, fully aware that their time is fast approaching. A new man enters the room. It is Ampleforth and at first Winston thinks that maybe he is the one bringing forth the razor. They talked until one of the four telescreens placed on each of the four walls screamed at them to stop. After some time, a guard came into the room and called Ampleforth too room 101. Ampleforth hesitantly obeyed.

Next up to enter the room was Parson's, to both mine and Winston's shock! Parson's had been caught saying "DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER" out loud in his sleep. His 7 year old daughter, who had been a part of the spies and told on him. Quite from the contrary of what I would expect, Parson's was proud of her for doing so. Parson's was also removed from the room.

One by one as the prisoners entered and left, Winston was left to think about his circumstances. What would they do too him. He was sure that the crimes he has commit ed were far worse that that of the others who he had been sharing the room with.


Anonymous said...

(+) Thorough plot synopsis
(+) Clear, easy to follow transitions make reading the blog flow nicely/smooth transitions
(-) Typo...."he has know idea..." should be---> "he has no idea"
(-) Reads more as a plot summary, include more of your own opinions and thoughts

Sahar Babaeyan said...

+ good flow to your writing
+ good understanding of the novel and the irony with Parsons.
- avoid using "I" in your writing
- put more of your thoughts and ideas in and make it sound less like a plot summary.