As Winston had predicted, the process had just started. Before he knew it he was being beaten, punched, and kicked by several men everyday, several times, between varying intervals. He had even come to expect it. Winston had even seen O'Brien and forgetting that he was under the watch of telescreens he had called out to him saying "They got you too" with which O'Brien answered, "they got me a long time ago." O'Brien even explained to Winston about how he had known this was coming. The torture was just starting, and getting kicked and beaten around was the least of it. Winston had known this.
Even worst then the beatings was the questioning that went on for hours. People working for the Inner Party tricked, and twisted everything around on him. They constantly claimed that Winston was contradicting himself and that there was nothing but lies coming out of his mouth. They made him confess to numerous immoral acts such as embezzlement of public funds, the assassination of important Party members, selling military secrets, sabotage. "He confessed that he was a religious believer, an admirer of capitalism and a sexual pervert 254)."
When Winston was not being questioned, he was left in his room on his own, where he was able to think. Winston knows that there is much more to come. He knows that his crimes will not go unpaid for. The Party and Big Brother have too much of an ego to let something like this slide.
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(+) Good use of quotes throughout
(+) Transitions flow nicely and are easy for the reader to follow
(-) Needs more of an introduction
(-) The conclusion seems unfinished, needs tying up
+ good to see that you used quotes
- intro and conclusion need work
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