Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Part III: Room 101

Winston had reached the final stage.. ROOM 101. The room he had heard a countless number of people confess to the most treacherous acts, and betrayal as soon as they heard that that is where they are going. Previously Winston had asked O'Brien about room 101 and what occurs in there. O'Brien had left him clueless. Now O'Brien explained to Winston that what happens in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world. It varies from person to person, and suits each individuals greatest fears. For instance, if your greatest fear was drowning, or being buried alive that is what would take place in that room. Could it be that O'Brien was aware of what Winston's greatest fear was?!

Winston suddenly notices the cage in the room a couple of meters away from him. After a few moments of examining it he became aware of what was in it. There were rats. They were not just normal rats either, they were the type that people talked about who would eat your baby if you left it along for a few moments alongside a street. They appeared to be carnivorous animals, ready too attack.

As the cage started rising closer and closer to Winston's face, a sudden idea came to him. He knew what he had to do in order to get out of this situation. He knew was O'Brien wanted. Winston starts screaming: "Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia. Not me! Julia! I don't care what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me (300)."

The third stage was over. O'Brien and the Party had achieved in breaking Winston down. All of his morals, thoughts, and beliefs had been demolished, and instead ideas of INGSOC had finally been forced and drilled inside of his head.


Anonymous said...

+ "Could it be that O'Brien was aware of what Winston's greatest fear was?!"- Good way of ending your introduction. It captures the reader's interest,allowing them to go through the next paragraph.
+ Very detailed in terms of explaining what happened in Winston in room 101
- again, it's more of story telling

SonBon said...

+ Nice job describing Room 101, all of your information was detailed and specific
+ Strong introduction and thesis statement
- More detailed conclusion
- less of a summary

Anonymous said...

(+) Nice introduction-captivated my attention immediately!
(+) Good use of vocabulary throughout
(-) More of a plot summary rather than displaying your own opinions and thought
(-) The conclusion could be stronger, needs one more good sentence to clinch the conclusion.