"Don't worry Winston; you are in my keeping. For seven years I have watched over you. Now the turning-point has come. I shall save you, I shall make you perfect (256)." Winston remembers a whisper in his ear and he cannot recall weather it is an unconscious memory, or reality. Whatever it is, it is the same voice that had said to him in a dream seven years ago that they "shall meet in the place where there is no darkness (256)". It was O'Brien. O'Brien explains to Winston that there are three stages to reach ultimate perfection: learning, understanding, and accepting. The learning stage was coming up and the breaking down process was in full gear.
Winston woke up to the sudden realization that he was pinned flat on his back, strapped down at several locations on his body. He was completely unable to move. He was connected to a machine with dials and on O'Brien's orders and with the turn of a dial Winston felt the sensation of the worst pain you could possible imagine. It ran though his blood and bones. He explains how it felt as if his joints were being torn apart, and his backbone was about to snap. The scary thing about this whole situation was that the dial was at 40... It's full capacity was an astonishing 100.
O'Brien's next strategic move and the second step in the stages to perfection was to show Winston his appearance, and show him what he had become, more so, what the Party had made of him. When Winston glanced at the mirror his first reaction was to break down into tears and fall on his knees. He was unrecognizable. He was rotting away and falling to pieces by the second. His skin was now a grey colour, his face looked as if it were protruding, and his body was emaciated. His knees were wider then his thighs. Winston was clearly frightened.
Winston road to getting broken down and rebuilt was well on it's way. All ready two out of the three stages had taken place. Winston knew what was next and he knew that he had a lot to fear. What does O'Brien have in store for Winston next?
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Read more like a plot summary. Attention getter? Transitions?
Referenced support good, but lacks a thesis
+ The last paragraph makes a good ending for your post, and it leaves the readers curious as of what would happen next.
- more of a story telling
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