Winston's eyes are on her as she starts walking close to him. Four meters away, she falls down and stares intently into his eyes as he goes to help her up. As she gets up to leave, Winston realizes that she had left a note in his hand. It is not safe-- he's within close proximity to many telescreens and all eyes are on him, but the urge to open the note and read its contents is still strong. Is the girl with the dark hair a part of the 'Thought Police', or is she a member of the 'brotherhood' of which Winston so badly wishes existed. Anticipation is high.
Winston finally gets the opportunity to open to the note, and quite from the contrary of what he had expected, the note read: "I love you." He doesn't know how to react and how to handle this situation. Is this girl — whom currently is nameless to him, trying to play a joke on him? He tries to think of a way to meet her but being in the circumstance that his is in, with eyes on him at all time, this quickly becomes a problem. He comes up with the conclusion that the only way he can speak to her is in the cafeteria during lunch time, with her sitting away from the telescreens, and away from her acquaintances. This would prove to be a hard task.
After many agonizing days, Winston finally gets to speak with the dark haired girl. She tells him to meet her at Victory Square, amidst the crowd. When they finally meet, she once again takes control and gives him precise directions too their next meeting spot. Winston is till not sure as too what this young, healthy ladies intentions are, but his gut is telling him she is different, and that she is against the party.
Winston finally gets the opportunity to open to the note, and quite from the contrary of what he had expected, the note read: "I love you." He doesn't know how to react and how to handle this situation. Is this girl — whom currently is nameless to him, trying to play a joke on him? He tries to think of a way to meet her but being in the circumstance that his is in, with eyes on him at all time, this quickly becomes a problem. He comes up with the conclusion that the only way he can speak to her is in the cafeteria during lunch time, with her sitting away from the telescreens, and away from her acquaintances. This would prove to be a hard task.
After many agonizing days, Winston finally gets to speak with the dark haired girl. She tells him to meet her at Victory Square, amidst the crowd. When they finally meet, she once again takes control and gives him precise directions too their next meeting spot. Winston is till not sure as too what this young, healthy ladies intentions are, but his gut is telling him she is different, and that she is against the party.
Well written. Make sure to use spellcheck. Title of blog should read WOMAN, not WOMEN. I like how you question if Julia is playing mind games or not.
Good reaction and conclusion. Your ideas strongly support your thesis. Remember to use spell check before you post.
Begins with a transcript from the novel itself
Thesis is clear for development in body
Not enough evidence in body to support points
Conclusion can be worded a little differently to correlate with introduction
- Plot outline
- no thesis in intro
+ good voice
+ / 4
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